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Welcoming Migrants with Dignity… Until We Couldn’t
by Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall (California State University)

On Refusing to Disappear: Stanford Anthropology’s Collusion with Genocide Denial
by Sarah Ihmoud (College of the Holy Cross)

We Are Not Alternative: A Communal Take on Theorization and Canon in Anthropology Theory Courses - Part 4: On the Future of Anthropology
By Elise Ferrer, Nada Bahgat, Madison Shomaker

We Are Not Alternative: A Communal Take on Theorization and Canon in Anthropology Theory Courses - Part 3: The Role of Desire
By Elise Ferrer, Nada Bahgat, Madison Shomaker

We Are Not Alternative: A Communal Take on Theorization and Canon in Anthropology Theory Courses - Part 2: Letting Canon and Theory Burn
By Elise Ferrer, Nada Bahgat, Madison Shomaker

We Are Not Alternative: A Communal Take on Theorization and Canon in Anthropology Theory Courses - Part 1: Setting Out on a Theoretical Journey
By Elise Ferrer, Nada Bahgat, Madison Shomaker

Fieldwork Confessionals
Special section with contributions from Alix Johnson, Chloe Ahmann, Amy Krauss, Amy Leia McLachlan, Alonso Gamarra and Eduardo Pimentel Mauricci, Ana María Forero Angel, Erin McFee, Ali Feser, and Shaka McGlotten. Read the entire section on Anthrosource.

Toward an Anthropology of Sexual Harassment and Power: Myth, Ritual, and Fieldwork
By Sarah Shulist (Queen’s University) and Sameena Mulla (Emory University)

Engaged Pedagogy in the Criminology Classroom: A Visual Essay
By Rachel Ellis, with Taylor Kramer, Megan Arslanian, Jacob Abuelhawa, Anna Rose Barrack, Julia Caspero, Thomas Brittan-Powell, Sarah Justice, Isabel Sanfuentes, Gabrielle Vogel, Emily Mimi Yang, and Jessica Hom (University of Maryland–College Park)

Rethinking Public Anthropologies in the Digital Age: Toward a New Dialogue
In the launch essay for Public Anthropologies, coeditors Adia Benton and Yarimar Bonilla discuss their plans for the section.