Anthropologies of Tourism

Source: Pexels.

Source: Pexels.

The December 2017 issue features a World Anthropologies section on the anthropologies of tourism. In the foreword, Noel B. Salazar argues that "mainstream scholarship seems mostly unaware of 'Other' anthropologies of tourism." The essays and commentaries in this section attempt to remedy this.

Anthropologies of Tourism: What’s in a Name?
Noel B. Salazar 

Development, Power, and Exclusionary Politics: Tracing Articulations of Scale in Tourism Production in Mexico
Ángeles A. López Santillán

Domesticating Tourism Anthropology in China
Yujie Zhu, Lu Jin, and Nelson H. Graburn

Otherness Anthropologies: Toward Ibero-American Anthropologies of Tourism
Claudio Milano

On the Production of Knowledge and the Anthropology of Tourism
Jasmin Habib

Anthropologies of Tourism: A Project Toward a Global Anthropology
Shinji Yamashita


From the Archives: Exploring the Human-Environment Dialectic


From the Archives: Play as Theory, Object, and Analytic