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Staying at the Margins: A Reflective Interview with Yongjia Liang
Eileen Jahn and Pamila Gupta interview Yongjia Liang, using his recent American Anthropologist article as a starting point to probe the genealogies of Chinese anthropology and to learn more about anthropology in and of China.

Call for Complaint, Part II—New Grammars for Worlding Anthropology
An inventory of complaints about the everyday experience of global power relations in anthropology in the form of poems, manifestos, videos, photographs, and personal reflections. Solicited from anthropologists from around the world and curated by the World Anthropologies Team.

Call for Complaint, Part I—Colonial Hauntings
An inventory of complaints about the everyday experience of global power relations in anthropology in the form of poems, manifestos, videos, photographs, and personal reflections. Solicited from anthropologists from around the world and curated by the World Anthropologies team.

What Was Moria and What Comes Next?
A portfolio of reflections on the migrant-processing center/refugee camp of Moria, on the border island of Lesvos in Greece, which was destroyed by fire in September 2020

Blowing up the “World” of Anthropologies: Speaking from Experience
By Penelope Papailias (University of Thessaly) and Pamila Gupta (University of the Witwatersrand)

Against Gravity: A Worldly Interview with Gustavo Lins Ribeiro
By Penelope Papailias (University of Thessaly), Pamila Gupta (University of the Witwatersrand), Eileen Jahn (University of Bayreuth), and Pedro Silva Rocha Lima (University of Manchester) interviewing Gustavo Lins Ribeiro (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)